From the 24th to the 28th of June 2024, the consortium of the HeArts of Youth project has reunited in Palermo for the last in-person activity of the year, the Training of Trainers in Palermo, Italy. 

This immersive 5-days event is going to be fundamental for the finalization of the Handbook for youth workers, since it will allow youth workers from every organization to test the workshops targeted at young migrants. During the 5 days, every youth worker involved has conducted at least one workshop, in order to be ready to conduct the workshop autonomously in the next months, to later cascade train 8 other youth workers that operate in the field of supporting migrant youth. This way, every partner will involve 10 youth workers, who will then apply the workshops with 80 young migrants in total. 

Testing and reviewing the workshops is fundamental, since youth workers can see if there are aspects that can be attuned, modified or reformulated to guarantee the feasibility of these 6 dance and art therapy workshops for everyone interested. As a matter of fact, the Handbook containing all 6 workshops will be published on the website of the project, making it available for everyone interested in learning dance and art therapy techniques. 

The handbook will be paired with educational videos, recorded in Palermo, that explain step by step every activity, to guarantee that everyone interested has instruments to understand and reproduce the activities on their own. 

The whole experience has been an amazing journey for everyone involved, and all partners are eager to present the results to the world. 

Join us in this experience and follow us not to lose any information about the publication of the Handbook and the videos!